Wednesday, February 3, 2010
oh boy, you have left me speechless;i shall start writing on this blog again.PEOPLE WHO RELINKED.PLEASE LINK ME BACK!!!no photos at the moment...ahaha!anyways...we:boyzz (my cus)tim (my bf)my mommy dadold jie (my aunt)loui (my lil sis)plus myself,we went to Europe and had a ball of a time was uber fun but we got robbed along the streets of paris.on the way back to the hotel but the guys,being all awesome fended the 2 french asses off.:Dthank you baby and kenny!the shopping in London was fantastic,Paris was all with the brands which were LOVE!i wanna go back Switzerland fav peaceful town.sigh.....i'll never forget the sight of the mountains i see,everyday when i get out of bed...truly and experience that i would wanna go for again,and again!to my blog:I MISSED YOU! (:YES I DO!
2:17 PM;