omg. it's so hard to find anything that i can use. just to even talk without paying. to anyone outside the company. they took my slow connection. in replacement to a really fast but secure network. AHHHHHHHH. no facebook.that's bad enough. no msn or ebuddy. kills man.... not even friendster.lols. sigh.and it's so boring here -.- ps : they dont let me upload zzzz. stuck with everyone else who are older then me. haha.i feel younger already lols! im just gonna ramble on. being restless and cold.but the pay is not bad. so i'll just have to take it then leave. always looking forward to going home or out. and supper with the awesome*
well yest we had supper at river valley. baby drove so we decide to venture out if not. we'll be stuck at same old membina. edna don't look too good.over working at gussinmo. whatever they call that place. leesum tore her dress infront of a pervertic client. toto just had his birthday over and looked never better. baby's sick again but recovering. get well soon.i love you (: and i look forward to our anniversary. it's coming a year and all's well. feels weird.haha! i ought to be good! lalala~ reminiscing of the good times....lalala~ and.... the lady infront of my desk is playing 'im yours' on her comp -.- i cant outrun jason i guess.lols.
hmmm im kinda wishing that this will be my longest entry. it really dipics that im bored. and that whoever is around suntec for lunch OR. love to come find me for lunch. i will love to eat with you although im anti social D: but i just made a friend and went lunch with her awhile ago.opps. mommy's birthday is is edna's.... heng i got money coming in if not gg-ed luh. am planning to get a small laptop prolly in the sept PC fair. update me me.text me alright? and this blog shall rise again from the depths of the forgotten. buaha.
if only facebook comes back to me ): and it really starts to rain...omg.