arghhhh my jap test.i like totally forgot.
to end my letter with a sayounara la.zZz.
nande kuso!! RAH.
~tests are coming i just wanna escape to.
islandcreamery n slack la~ mudcake )=
on thursday our class ppl...jerry,hui ge,
tianjie lao da,rhoda mei,liah jie,nicholas,
eugene and me went out of sch for lunch.
at bukittimahplaza's kfc.when i kicked the.
ntuc metal basker holder.OMG la.PAIN.
the whole area swelled n turned red T_T
but the day was funny.seriously.weh hui.
ought to be called OREO the goldfish.nice eh?
i mean the name suits him n he responds to it.
but he's memory is good la.unlike the usual.
3seconds of a fish 0.0 however.he doesn't.
seem to want me n laoda to buy him $3.60.
green n red colour fishfood.or anti-chlorine.
stuff for him n his tank =x
friday got ISAN session and i'm so happi to.
have finally printed the card list so i used.
it to take alot of freshies.
din't turn up except the usuals luh.
but my nuers n erzi got turn up.pffftttt.
only suping nuer cos she sick D=
n as me n nuer got bored we went to pluck.
eric's white hair which he say he got cos of.
stress but i think like real.lols.andddd...
i really ought to get a pink file for the.
attendance sheets.i think it'll be quite cool.
seeing rui holding it n calling for ppl.
he found it kinda cool too.i think he's.
retarded.n he made me angry la.
ppl moodswinging he come spray ice.
made him guilty by not asking ban to.
spray back at him >.<>
*i'm to small for ban's jersey...would any.
kind soul buy a smaller one for me??
cally > alex : get well soon daddie.LOVES :D
yay dean bought me present.but i lazy go take.
and im really gonna learn bass.uncle dennis.
wants to sell me one of his basses.nice baby.
he only interested to sell to me?cos he own.
nuer dun wan learn music n i want to?is it?
LOL.sad for him.funny uncles n guys :D
bringing those pocketful of memories with me.
wherever i go.
as i walk these streets of life.
the many pathways and detours that lead me.
to countless dismays.
but they do not delude me.
as i always kept your letters and words.
in my heart.